The Explorers woke up early once again, anticipating their last full day of travel. They fired up the generator (hopefully for the last time before they can troubleshoot the radiator problem) and made breakfast. Captain Mark pulled up the anchor and noticed two main differences in Lake Champlain compared to the rivers and canals he had traveled. First, the anchor came up covered in seaweed, and second, he was amazed that he could actually see the anchor line under the water, indicating that this is the cleanest, clearest (and probably coldest) water he has encountered since leaving South Carolina.
When the Explorers left the anchorage, it was foggy and chilly. The tail of Lake Champlain gradually widened until it was an expansive lake. The water stayed as smooth as glass until they got closer to the northern end of the lake. Because the water was so calm, the autopilot was doing most of the work all day, needing very little adjustment to the heading. Over time, the sun came out and the air warmed up.
When he reached the northern edge of the lake near Plattsburgh, Captain Mark buzzed by the Dixon Camp on shore as he called to see if anyone was there. Cousin Joey had just arrived, and Cousin Robert and his wife Dana, were just heading over to the Plattsburgh Boat Basin themselves to grab their boat and take it out for a little ride. They share a boat with Robert’s sister Elaine and her husband, Steve, which is in the same marina where the Wayward Explorers are ending this adventure.
The Explorers waved to their cousins and turned around to cross the bay to the marina. They parked at the fuel dock to “check in” and were directed to their slip, their home for the summer. They made it into their slip with a little “help” from a marina dock hand, although they agreed that they might have managed the landing a little better on their own, as the dock hand seemed a little inexperienced at handling the lines. The marina appeared to be half-empty as much of the clientele is from Canada and the border is still closed. Many boats, hailing from Canadian towns, were still up on stands around the marina.
Once settled, the Explorers got out their folding bicycles to head over to the Dixon camp. They visited with Joey and then they all headed out to McSweeneys to get some world-famous (at least North-Country famous) hot dogs with Michigan sauce. On the way home, they grabbed some beer to celebrate. Back at camp, they were joined by Robert and Dana, back from their boat trip, and enjoyed catching up over their celebratory beers. A few next-generation Dixons buzzed in and out of camp to jet ski and visit. After a few hours, the Explorers needed to bike back to the marina before it started to get dark and they ended the day with a walk into downtown Plattsburgh to get the “lay of the land” and earn their Fitbit points.
And so, this journey is complete, from Little River, SC to Plattsburgh NY. The next week will be spent getting to Massena to retrieve the motorcycle that was left there (when the Explorers thought that was their final destination), stopping home in Lincoln, NH to gather piles of mail and getting to Philly to pick up their Jeep that was generously delivered to their son’s (Mike’s) house by Sidekick Sue’s sister and her husband. The Explorers will be splitting time between Plattsburgh, Massena and Lincoln, NH throughout the summer and encourage any family or friends that are nearby to reach out to set up a visit. See you at the Naked Turtle. Cheers!