Bicycle Trip: The Rhine River Tujetsch, Switzerland to Amsterdam, Netherlands: DAY 1: Valendas, Switzerland

Got started about 1:00 PM from the top of Oberalppass where the train dropped us off. We didn’t even have to pedal for the first 6 miles. We were traveling downhill through hairpin turns. We had to stop several times to let the brakes cool down because the pads were starting to melt.

In this segment we had to descend over 4500 feet. The scenery was truly awe-inspiring. Lots of little hamlets dotting the mountainsides. My favorites were the herds of cows on the mountainsides wearing cowbells. It was like a huge wind chime echoing through the mountains. I love the architecture. The Swiss Chalet is definitely the style here. Many are tended with care, sporting red shingles, window boxes and Swiss flags.

In the town of Disentis, we followed the recommended bike path and ended up doing some off-roaring due to construction roadblocks. We wound our way back to the main road, favoring the road conditions over the traffic. Passed over stone arch bridges and through mountainside tunnels. Had some uphill climbs today as well. According the the guide book, we’ll encounter a few more hills tomorrow and then the terrain will gradually become a slow steady decline for most of the trip. Fingers crossed.

The end of the day featured an uphill climb into the town of Valendas where we found a camping site (with showers… yay) for 27 Swiss Francs. Enjoying the beautiful view of the mountains from our camp site and hitting the hay early. We are exhausted!

Sign at Oberalppass
Ready to start
Snow caps in the distance
Just a few of the many turns and switchbacks that took us down the mountain.
Amazing scenery
Friendly cows rocking their cowbells.
Our first glimpse of one of the branches of the Rhine River.
Cute Swiss Chalet. This one was larger than most. It was a bed and breakfast.
View from our campground

6 thoughts on “Bicycle Trip: The Rhine River Tujetsch, Switzerland to Amsterdam, Netherlands: DAY 1: Valendas, Switzerland”

  1. What an adventure! The cowbell video was something you don’t hear everyday. You were right, they do sound like windchimes. The pictures are awesome!

    1. Now I understand what cow bells are for. I’d never seen one on an actual cow before. LOL

  2. Great scenery! You are such a talented writer, I so enjoy reading about your travels. Get some rest 🙂

    1. Thank you. This blog is really for us because we can’t remember anything. LOL. But I’m glad to know you are along for the trip!

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