Motorcycle Trip: CA to NH – Day 29: Lincoln, New Hampshire

I’ve been repeatedly reminded that I didn’t “finish” my trip …. so here it is:

DAY 29 – We got home to our place in NH on Wednesday. Total counts: 5456 miles on the motorcycle, 24 nights in the tent, 1 night in a cabin, 3 nights crashing with friends, 5 new states, and 3 major league baseball games.

Dedicated Friday to the dreaded tasks at the DMV. The whole thing took less time than it would have taken just to wait in line in California. One trip to the town hall, and one trip to the DMV and we got the Jeep, the motorcycle and the trailer registered, along with getting both driver’s licenses transferred. It only took a couple hours and under $400 (take that Todd Lilly… you need to move to the “Live Free or Die” state).

Kevin Dixon and Faye Harwell came up Friday night and hung out with us on Saturday. We did the HOA meetings and they did the brewery tour at the Woodstock Inn. I think someone got the better end of that deal. Today, we finally got out to enjoy some of the spectacular beauty of NH at the Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch.